May 15th 2018

The best nuts for your brain (and for men).

Peanuts, while technically legumes, are generally referred to as nuts.

They're high in folate—which is an essential mineral for brain development, and also may provide protection against cognitive decline. 

Peanuts also make a smart choice for vegetarians, who are often short on folate, and pregnant women, who are in need of folate to protect their unborn babies from birth defects. 

And like most other nuts, peanuts also contain their fair share of brain-boosting healthy fats and vitamin E. 

Just 1 oz. of peanuts (about 28 unshelled nuts) contains about 170 calories, 7 grams protein, and 14 grams fat.

When it comes to men's health, pecans can't be beat.

Pecans are chock full of a plant steroid called 'beta-sitosterol', which may help relieve symptoms of enlarged prostate.

Just 1 oz. pecans (18 to 20 halves) contain about 200 calories, 21 grams fat, and 3 grams protein.

(Both peanuts and pecans are Buy 1 Get 1 Free this week - through 5.18.18)

*SOURCE: Judy Caplan, RD, a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics